Education institutions

Poor families often invest all their energy and expensive loans in a high level of school, college or occupational education for their children. If this path cannot be maintained, the young people often fall into nowhere. For girls, marriage could be the only way out, often fraught with traditional problems.
Successful occupational education brings social advancement and opens up life opportunities that benefit the whole family. MF concentrates its education aids on occupational training for young people in operational areas.
Since its inception, the foundation has carried out an individual education program with grants for nurses, laboratory assistants and business administrators. The diploma courses took place at schools in big hospitals and at colleges.
The foundation is now focusing on supporting education institutions, because group education enables its funds to reach more young people.
project topics:
Support to education institutions for craft, technology, healthcare and business administration.
Carrier: Social organizations as project partners of MF.
Operational job skills: Wood and metal work, electrical / electronics, textiles, agriculture, nursing, information technology, business administration.
- Co-financing for construction, expansion and renovation of education facilities of social support organizations.
- Hardware, devices and machine equipment for workshops, Education centers and laboratories.
- Support to education institutions: training costs in case of need, teaching material, hostel accommodation.
project partners (examples): Don Bosco Mondo e.V. . BREADS Bangalore (Social Society of the Salesian Order) . Don Bosco Institute SERI, Calcutta . St. John's Hospital of Merciful Brothers (OH), Kerala . DSS Servants of the Poor, Kerala