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Life and income


In India “little” means a lot. Outside of city centers and in the country, the impression of poverty, backwardness and a different, sometimes archaic world quickly emerges. Here, 4,000 rupees (50 euros) earned through labor improve the living situation of poor families by a light year, strengthen self-esteem, create independence from moneylenders, enable children to go to school or to buy medicines.

The projects of MF give these people selective access to the development and progress of India. In this way, traditionally rooted, burdensome thinking and awareness should gradually be steered into new paths.


Since its inception, MF has carried out grassroots-level income-generating programs through self-helping activities and also a program in building permanent houses, thereby achieving many life improvements on an individual level. Now community and group projects are in the foreground because in this procedure the foundation can use its available funds for more people in need.

project topics:

  • Qualification of women and men in manual, agricultural and administrative activities, working methods and techniques.
  • Self-help for creation of family income, development of entrepreneurial activities and cooperative forms of work through to marketing.
  • Regional developments in villages and slum areas.
    Focus: health and hygiene, improving opportunities for newborns, skill training, dealing with money and savings, new income opportunities and market access, revolving small loans, pre-school, school attendance and vocational training for children, water supply, access to state aids.
    Basics: Initiatives primarily by women, participating group structures, recognizable opportunities for changes in consciousness.

project partners (examples): SOS Children's Villages . Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco (FMA) . Don Bosco Mondo e.V. . BREADS Bangalore (Social Society of the Salesian Order) . Andheri Help e.V.

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